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    Water-based anti-radiation paint to shield high and low frequencies indoors and outdoors. Eliminates and diverts radiation to ground, protecting people from harmful exposure. Quick drying, easy repainting and high performance.

    Secado 6-8 horas.
    Repintado 10-12 horas. Se recomiendan dos capas a brocha cruzadas.
    Rendimiento Consumo recomendado 400 ml/m².
    2,5L 25l
    Ref. 025-1 Ref. 025-1-1

    One-component water-based polyurethane liquid membrane, elastic and waterproof, ideal for terraces, roofs and outdoor traffic areas. Prevents water leaks and offers long-lasting protection.

    Rendimiento En cubiertas y terrazas, aplicar de 1,2 a 2,2 L/m2. Se recomiendan mínimo de 2-3 capas.
    Secado tacto 6-8 horas.
    Repintado 10-12 horas.
    Color Blanco, gris, rojo o verde. Posibilidad de otros colores.
    15L. - 7 years 15L. - 7 years 4l 15l
    Ref. 011 Ref. 010 Ref. 010-1 Ref. 011-1

    One-component water-based polyurethane liquid membrane, elastic and waterproof, ideal for terraces, roofs and outdoor traffic areas. Prevents water leaks and offers long-lasting protection.

    Rendimiento En cubiertas y terrazas, aplicar de 1,2 a 2,2 L/m2. Se recomiendan mínimo de 2-3 capas.
    Secado tacto 6-8 horas.
    Repintado 10-12 horas.
    Color Blanco, gris, rojo o verde. Posibilidad de otros colores.
    4l 15l 15L. - 7 years 15L. - 7 years
    Ref. 010-1-1 Ref. 011-1-1 Ref. 010-2 Ref. 011-2