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FUNGILEV, broad-spectrum sanitizing cleaner for walls and walls. Eliminates fungi, mold, bacteria and algae. Ideal for disinfecting before painting, applying sprayed cork or as a preventive treatment.
Rendimiento | Aproximadamente de 0,15 L/m². |
Aplicación | Con brocha, rodillo o pulverizado, en una o dos capas, según el grado de contaminación. |

5 L. | 5 L. | 1-l | 5-l |
Ref. 026 | Ref. 025 | Ref. 025-2 | Ref. 026-1 |

Professional gun for the precise and efficient application of sprayed cork, thermal paints and Foamlev. Includes air valve, large flow rate, stainless steel needle, air regulation, quick plug, trigger fixation and ergonomic design. Ideal for construction and industry professionals.

Autonomous industrial machine with compressor, pump and hopper for the quick and efficient application of sprayed cork on roofs. Performance of up to 800 m²/day, ideal for large projects.
Presión máxima | 7 bares, hasta 10 m. |
Potencia | 1’5 kW (2cv). |
Dimensiones | 580 x 860 x 1000 mm. |
Peso | 79 kg. |

Resinas | ref |
Ref. 157 | Ref. 157-1 |

Single-component, medium-grain sprayed cork coating with thermal properties, breathable, non-toxic and biodegradable. Ideal for facades and walls.
Granulometría | 0,4 -0,6 mm. |
Aplicación | Pistola o Máquina de proyección Suberlev. |
Rendimiento | 2 kg/m² |
Conductividad térmica | 0,061 W/mºK (EN 12667). |
Permeabilidad al agua líquida | 0,058 kg/(m²·h0,5) (UNE-EN 1062-3). |

12 Kg. | 12-kg |
Ref. NOVO | Ref. NOVO-1 |

Professional high-pressure gun for the precise and efficient application of sprayed cork, thermal paints and Foamlev. Includes air valve, large flow rate, stainless steel needle, air regulation, quick plug, trigger fixation and ergonomic design. Ideal for construction and industry professionals.