Showing all 7 results


    Fight humidity, condensation, mold and bad odors in your industry or workshop with the ANTI-CONDENSATION INSULATED LEV-FILTER. Pure air inflation machine that renews the air and creates a healthy and productive environment.

    Dimensiones 657 x 290 x 222 mm.
    Caudal máximo 300 m³/h (con dos flitros).
    Velocidad 2220 rpm.
    Intensidad máxima admisible 0,65 A (230 V).
    Potencia instalada 0,08 kW.
    Ref. 170

    FUNGILEV, broad-spectrum sanitizing cleaner for walls and walls. Eliminates fungi, mold, bacteria and algae. Ideal for disinfecting before painting, applying sprayed cork or as a preventive treatment.

    Rendimiento Aproximadamente de 0,15 L/m².
    Aplicación Con brocha, rodillo o pulverizado, en una o dos capas, según el grado de contaminación.
    5 L. 5 L. 1-l 5-l
    Ref. 026 Ref. 025 Ref. 025-2 Ref. 026-1

    Single-component, medium-grain sprayed cork coating with thermal properties, breathable, non-toxic and biodegradable. Ideal for facades and walls.

    Granulometría 0,4 -0,6 mm.
    Aplicación Pistola o Máquina de proyección Suberlev.
    Rendimiento 2 kg/m²
    Conductividad térmica 0,061 W/mºK (EN 12667).
    Permeabilidad al agua líquida 0,058 kg/(m²·h0,5) (UNE-EN 1062-3).
    12 Kg. 12-kg
    Ref. NOVO Ref. NOVO-1

    High quality nano-insulating paint with low thermal conductivity. Saves energy, reduces noise and prevents condensation. Ideal for indoors and outdoors in hot and cold climates.

    Color Blanco, Carta 400 colores o Carta NCS.
    Acabado Mate
    Diluyente Agua
    Secado 1 hora (20º C y 60% H.R.)
    Repintado 4-6 horas (20º C y 60% H.R.).
    Rendimiento Consumo mínimo recomendado 350 ml/m²
    COV`S Cat. a/BA 75/30 (2007/2010):0,16
    Lavabilidad Clase 2
    Aplicación Brocha, rodillo o pistola adecuada.
    15L. - 7 years 15L. - 7 years 15L. - 7 years 750ml 4l 15l
    Ref. 039 Ref. 040 Ref. 041 Ref. 039-1 Ref. 040-1 Ref. 041-1

    High quality nano-insulating paint with low thermal conductivity. Saves energy, reduces noise and prevents condensation. Ideal for hot and cold climates.

    Color Blanco, Carta 400 colores o Carta NCS.
    Acabado Mate
    Diluyente Agua
    Secado 1 hora (20º C y 60% H.R.)
    Repintado 4-6 horas (20º C y 60% H.R.).
    Rendimiento Consumo mínimo recomendado 350 ml/m²
    COV`S Cat. a/BA 75/30 (2007/2010):0,16
    Lavabilidad Clase 2
    Aplicación Brocha, rodillo o pistola adecuada.
    15L. - 7 years 15L. - 7 years 15L. - 7 years 4l 15l 750ml
    Ref. A230 Ref. 029 Ref. 030 Ref. 029-1 Ref. 030-1 Ref. A230-1

    Improve the energy efficiency of your home and save money on your bills with a professional thermographic study. Our team of experts offers you a detailed thermographic measurement and report, along with personalized recommendations to optimize the insulation of your home.


    Enjoy a cooler and more comfortable home with the UNDER COVER SOLAR EXTRACTOR, an efficient and sustainable ventilation system that uses solar energy to reduce indoor temperature and protect the environment.

    Dimensiones 58 x 68 x 51 cm.
    Diámetro 25 cm.
    Velocidad 2.400 rpm.
    Potencia del motor 12 V.
    Potencia instalada 50 W.
    Potencia eléctrica del panel fotovoltaico 12 V.
    Caudal 950 m³/h.
    Peso 12,5 kg.
    Resinas ref
    Ref. 168 Ref. 168-1